Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cortazar's Democratization of Fashion

The man who dazzeled the fashion world with his feminine and wearable designs in the fashion house of Ungaro has now decided to take his designs to all the women, no matter the social status, shape or form, of his country. I'm talking about the talented Esteban Cortazar, the Colombian designer who at the age of 15 was already having his pieces shown in the most acclaimed runways of the world. Cortazar was born in Bogota, Colombia in 1984 but grew up in the Miami Beach where his two very artistic parents introduced him to the design world, where he showed unusual talent.
Despite all the glamour and elegance that comes with being a renowed designer, Cortazar's latest project shows that he is connected to his first country's roots and to all the women in it. He has announced that on July 26 he will be presenting his first economic line for the chain retailer EXITO. (To those who don't know much about Colombia this would be the equivalent of Target.) The line will be presented in the country's most important fashion event, Colombiamoda, and will hit stores the next day.
In an interview with the newspaper El Tiempo, the young designer says, "It is the true democratization of fashion." Cortazar wants with this line to give women all the neccesary elements to be elegant but modern women at an affordable price. The line is made up of 85 clothing garments and 15 accessories, ranging in the price range of $19.000 to $400.000 colombian pesos. ($10 to $200 dollars)
With a joint effort between Paris and Colombia the line is sure to be a success, lets just hope he decides to do one with a retailer in the US so we can all enjoy his talent.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Moving paints

Everyone kows the eye can play tricks on you, but what the artist Alexa Meade does, brings this common known expression to a whole new level. With only 23 years of age this Washington D.C. local has stirred up the art world with her hiperreal art. Meade is able to make spectators perceive a 3D object as 2D painting, shocking more than once, a passer-by when the 'painting' in fact moved and talked. According to her webpage, Meade's work is a fusion of different techniques of art combining: video art, installation, painting, performance and photography. According to a Washington Post article, Meade had barely any art trainning, after graduating as a political science mayor and working three summers at Capitol Hill incluiding the Obama campaign, this unconventional prospect decided to make art her full time career. Giving the art world and its lovers a 'spin' Meade's work is truly something to admire. Therefore, I urge to look closely at these paintings and appreciate what an innovation looks like.
If you cannot get enough of this artist I recommend you look at her web page and to see her latest collections check out her Flicker page.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So this is incredibly amazing when apartment are getting smaller and smaller but prices still seem to skyrocket without ceiling they come up with these smart and space-saving ideas. Helping the urban population live in the cities they love without having to move out to the suburbs and endure long commutes but still keep the urban style. I recommend this to anyone in a tight situation. Resource Furniture

The Model-Making Region

This is my first post so be nice. Let me tell you how this all came about, as I stared blankly at my computer screen after telling my internship surpervisor that I was in fact done with everything they gave me to do and that aside from reading the newspaper I really had no more aspirations for the day, she told me to wait. So that is in fact what happened I've been waiting for the past 3 hours so why not start a blog that will give you news that you would not otherwise read unless you stumbled upon this blog but that are in fact interesting, quirky or weird? Yes, this blog may have no theme what so ever but I'm just hoping it will develop into something.

So here is the first interesting story: Finding models in rural Brazil, if you were anything like me you would have thought that scouting agencies just happened to hold castings and wait for a stunning person to come by and make their month or maybe one of America's Next Top Model will actually become one. Well guess what according to a story from the New York Times modeling agencies in Brazil actually study the genetics and ancestors of the southern part of the country where they have previously found supermodels such as  Gisele Bundchen and Alessandra Ambrossio. I'm calling this The Model-Making Region